Intro Qi Gong & Nei Gong Foundations Workshop | Portland, OR
What is nei gong?
It is the internal foundation upon which all of the Daoist arts are based and the connecting link between martial arts, medicine and meditation within the Daoist tradition. When studied as a stand-alone subject, Nei Gong is a systematic method of working with the three bodies of man (the physical body, the energetic body and the consciousness body) in order to attain good health, psychological well-being and at later stages, spiritual elevation. It is the bringing together of the theoretical philosophy of Daoism with an enigmatic energetic process. In order to understand Nei Gong it is important to understand that it is a process rather than a set of exercises. In order to move through this process we use various tools including Dao Yin and Qi Gong exercises but these are used simply to help guide students through the process.
In this weekend workshop will be covering:
- The philosophy and application of the Daoist cosmology
- Learning to stretch, open, and prepare the body for Nei gong
- The most efficient quality of mind and attitude for Nei gong
- Building the most efficient wuji posture
- Opening, mobilizing, and moving from the kua
- Exploring the nature of activating and working with the lower dan tien
- Basic Wu Xing(5 element) Qi gong set
- Establishing and organizing a personal practice
Important information+Warning:
Please be aware that this is not specifically a medical Qi Gong workshop nor is the focus on gentle rest and relaxation. Instead we will focus on and practice classical-style arts which can demanding and challenging in many ways. Oh yes, don’t forget that a sense of humor is mandatory.