Calling All Super-Heroes and Lovers of Chinese Herbs...

Show Us How You Get Your Super-Powers!

Announcing the Hyperion Herbs

super-powered concoction contest

Post YOUR best elixir and WIN!

(top 3 picks will receive $100 worth of Hyperion Herb products)

What ya’ gotta do: 

1) Make a smoothie/juice concoction with your favorite Hyperion products and super-powered ingredients

2) Snap a pic of your amazing-high-potency-super-hero-concoction (and if you want to you can also include your self in your best super-hero pose) 

3) Write what’s in it so that people can repeat the recipe

4) Post it to Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram with the hashtag #hyperionherbs (very important, so that we can find ya!) 

5) The TOP 3 elixirs that get our mouths watering and super-powers going will win a $100 Gift Card to the Hyperion Herbs to be used to buy more amazing herbal goodness

Elixirs will be judged on creativity, presentation, & super-power potency

Contest begins March 28th and will end mid-night of April 5th !

Make it. Snap it & Show us the secrets to your super-powers! 


Ginger Cacao Reishi Elixir

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